Wednesday, January 16, 2008

a much shorter blog entry

Hello again!

Just a quick note; I'm back in Kigali again and had a great time in Butare with Melene and Erica (see post below--I wrote that entry on Monday night but couldn't post it until just a few minutes ago). The training went well and I will hopefully be able to build off what Erica has begun when I return to Butare in the future.

Also, Phil's back from Nairobi, sunburnt and a bit weary from distributing food to crowds of people in the slums, but otherwise doing well (again, see post below). He says to keep praying for peace in Kenya because there is supposed to be a new set of (outlawed) demonstrations today.

Next time I write I'll do my best to post photos! And a snapfish account has been graciously bestowed to me (that's an online photo album for anyone who may not know) so I will be able to post lots of photos there. Right now I don't have too many, but I will make an effort to carry my camera into more places! Have a great day--talk to you soon---


Jan said...

Dear Christine, just got your email and have caught up on all your doings. What an adventure and you are perfect for this ministry. As I listen I am amazed at how he can form individuals so perfectly to do just the service that is needed. I'll send you a "private" email soon, but wanted to add a comment and let you know I'm following along. Glad all is well. He reigns. Love, Jan

Murray said...

Christine, Just wanted to let you know Matt and I are praying for you! Your prayer card is our bookmark in our daily read bible (we're both reading through the bible in a year). I loved the play by play blog. God is already using you mightily in Africa. We miss you, but Matt says I can try to call you soon! I love you!