This one is a shot of the youth choir practicing at a gazebo outside of Baraka's "office." Even though they're called "youth," they're actually young adults, from teens to mid-twenties. They essentially help lead worship every Sunday, singing several songs with often-choreographed movement. There is one synthesizer and sometimes drums, but otherwise the instruments are just their beautiful voices:
Here is Baraka during the church service leading the children's choir in a song:
And I know this photo looks a little scary, but not to worry! It's a drama that the children put together...they did a great job, too! Can you guess what Bible story they're acting out?
It's the Abraham and Isaac this photo, Abraham is about ready to kill Isaac! And then from outside a nearby window, we all heard the Voice of God (sounding suspiciously like a Rwandese boy) telling Abraham that He would provide a lamb to sacrifice instead of Isaac....
I enjoy my church families so much. Last week three friends from Kigali came along, and we had a blast (not to mention a very warm welcome). If you come visit me here, I'll bring you out here to meet my new friends.
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