Friday, April 4, 2008

kinyarwandan proverb

"Buhoro buhoro nirwo rugendo."

Literal translation: Slowly, slowly, the journey is completed.

Cultural meaning: Every step forward is advantageous in taking you to your destination. (Or so I'm told.)

Stay tuned for more proverbs.

Also: please be in prayer for Rwanda in the coming week: it is an official week of mourning here, where the nation remembers the genocide. There are several events and conferences of remembrance for Rwandan citizens. Please pray for healing, reconciliation, and true, inner peace for individuals and for the nation. It is a time of renewed trauma for many people; please pray that many would come to know the comfort of the God who weeps with those Who weep and Who saw His own Son killed in a terrible way. Thank you for your prayers....

1 comment:

Tracy said...

Wow. I can't even begin to imagine what the Rwandan people have endured. This post gave me chills.