Wednesday, May 7, 2008

fwd: a local call

I wanted to share this fwd I received in my in-box a few days ago, from a Rwandan colleague in the child survival program:

"Three individuals of American, British and DR-Congolese nationality die in an accident and end up in hell.

"After some time the American, wanting to know if bin Laden was finally caught, sought the opportunity to make a phone call to America. The devil accepted, and as soon as the 3-minute phone call was completed, he charged the American 3 million USD. The American pulled out his cheque book and paid his debt without raising his eyebrows.

"The Brit in turn sought the same favour, to ascertain the health of the Queen Elisabeth. The devil accepted, and as the 3-minute conversation concluded, he charged the Brit 4 million pounds. The Brit was quick to pay.

"Then it was finally the turn of the Congolese man. Although hesitant because he was a man of few means, the Congolese still decided to seek permission to call Africa to receive news of the continent. Satan accepted. So the Congolese began a long telephone conversation during which he learned that a civil war raged in the DRC, that Rwandans continued to make the law in the east, that Ruberwa and Mbemba were 2 of 4 vice-presidents and Junior Kabila replaced his father, while AIDS rates continued to rise across the continent. He learned that the Congolese were facing only a facade of peace while famine and locusts were rampant in Burkina Faso and Mali, just like in Niger, the same it is every year, etc. ... etc. ... etc. ...

"The conversation finally ended after three hours! The Congolese hardly dared to look at the devil, and stuttering, asked him the price of the phone call.

"The devil, dispassionate, answered: Oh, for the three hours it will cost you three dollars.

"Surprised, the Congolese asked, But how ..... how .... how can this be?

"The devil replied: Well, Hell to Hell is a local call!!"

A little taste of African humor. But it's not really so funny....not really. Thank you for your prayers for this continent and its people, that God would bring peace out of strife, light from the darkness, calm from chaos.... Thank you! :)

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