Tuesday, July 15, 2008

praying for Bear

I am really thankful for all of the people out there who read this blog (and pray) and stay updated on my life over here in Africa. What a huge blessing. :) It is encouraging to get your notes of support and to hear you say that you've read the blog and are praying. Thank you thank you.

So, because you are a faithfully praying crowd, I wanted to request prayer for the 'significant other' in my life, a really incredible guy, who from now on I'll refer to as "Bear" on this blog. I'm calling him Bear instead of his real name because (as many of you know) he's working in a volatile place overseas, and taking precautions about identity-protection is a necessity. In fact, I've removed previous blog pages that refer to him here. Many of you know him, or have met him....and if you haven't, I do hope you will sometime soon.

Notwithstanding, Bear needs prayer! (Oh, that rhymes. Smile.) Last week, Bear was traveling from the US out to the country where he'll be working in central Asia for the next six months (email me and I can tell you which one exactly if you don't know already). He was scheduled to arrive there the same day that our research training began, and toward the end of the training, I got a text from him telling me that he had safely arrived in the capital...and that he'd supposed I'd heard already about the bombing that morning, in that same city, where over 50 people were killed.

Honestly, I almost started crying and then realized I couldn't really cry at the training. It was kind of a weird feeling. No, I hadn't heard about the bombing, although I was glad he was safe in his residence, and so happy he'd contacted me himself before I'd read about it online or something. Now, he's been in-country for about 10 days, and during that time there have been at least four other altercations with associated casualties that I've been reading about, mostly in the southern part of his country, so not close to where he lives, but still. And kidnappings there, even in the capital, especially of foreign workers like Bear, is not uncommon.

So thank you for your prayers! There are so many needs in his country, and unfathomable social and cultural complications and conditions. Together with nationals and expatriate workers alike, he is essentially doing community development work, making himself available to make a difference in the lives of those who are most vulnerable, especially mothers, children, and the poor. But we know that ultimately prayer is what will make the biggest difference. Would you please pray for him? Please pray that he would be a vessel to bring love and hope into the hearts of people who have little reason to believe in love or hope anymore. Please pray for his safety in-country, for him and for all his co-workers. I'll find out if he has any other specific requests for you too. THANK YOU again for your prayer....


Kristin said...

I will definitely pray for Bear (and for you too, for that matter!). I heard about the bombing but didn’t even make the connection…so glad he’s safe and sound right now. {hugs}

Jennifer Disney said...

I will definitely be praying. Love you, my friend! Got your message the other day. Hope to talk to you soon!

Shannon Smith said...

Thanks for letting us know. I will pray for his continued safety and for you to feel at peace.

Rachel said...

Absolutely - we will both pray for him and for you, too. We both know how difficult this is - and I think your situation is even more so.

Let's catch up soon...!

Jenn said...

I'll be praying, too, Christine. That was actually the first thing that came to mind when I heard about the bombing, but I wasn't sure if Bear was there yet.