Saturday, February 23, 2008

an effort at transparency, thanks to Kristin

My good friend Kristin has a blog at A few weeks back she wrote an entry about transparency. One thing I like about Kristin is she always did have the courage to be transparent.

So, strengthend by her example, and prompted by a British preacher, here is my effort at a little sliver of e-transparency:

On Saturday, the entry from Oswald Chamber's famous devotional "My Utmost for His Highest" included the following paragraph:

"If our devotion is to the cause of humanity, we will be quickly defeated and broken-hearted, since we will often be confronted with a great deal of ingratitude from other people. But if we are motivated by our love for God, no amount of ingratitude will be able to hinder us from serving one another."

(If you'd like to read the whole entry...and it's a good one....please go to

I share this because, when I'm honest, I can't always feel certain about my motives for being here. What's really in my heart? If I felt unappreciated or unsupported, would I be so eager to be here? Maybe time will tell. Or maybe it will always be a mystery. They say at four months all the excitement of being in a new place wears off, and then the proverbial rubber hits the road. I'm at week...let's see...week 7 right now, I think, and everything is still fresh and exciting. But reading this devotional entry was a good reminder to examine my heart and get a little prepared for what likely lies ahead. I'll have to keep you posted.....


Unknown said...

I read that "Utmost" entry right at four months. It helped me examine my motives also ... and reassess them.

Kristin said...

Glad I could be of service! Thanks for sharing...and no matter what, you are still an awesome example to me of compassion and servanthood

Jen said...

Hi, I found your blog through Rachel's (mine's also linked there - Bird on a Bare Branch) and was particularly drawn to this post. I read Oswald everyday and he usually gives me something to chew on. I've been in Moz for a little over five months now and am struggling now with purpose and also question what you wrote about. I'm wondering how you are feeling about things now that you've been there a bit longer.